About me

I'm a Full-Stack Developer focused in web development. I enjoy turning complex problems into simple, beautiful and intuitive solutions.

My job is to build your website so that it is functional as it should be and user-friendly at the same time. I have previously created web system for various companies worldwide. From simple catalogue websites to Complex employee management system.

On the other side of myself, im a Avgeek, Flightsimmer. On my freetime i'd spend it on making liveries or graphic art.

What i'm doing

  • design icon

    Web design

    The most modern and high-quality design made at a professional level.

  • Web development icon

    Web development

    High-quality development of sites at the professional level.

My skills

  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • HTML & CSS
  • MySQL
  • Graphic design



  1. Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

    Bachelor Degree / 2017 - 2021 / 3.65 GPA

    Bachelor Degree at Informatics Engineering. Graduated with 3.65 out of 4 GPA. Final Thesis Topics System development with Agile - Scrum Methodology

  2. SMA Negeri 9 Binsus Manado

    2014 — 2017

    Graduated at the age of 15. with 3.45 out of 4 GPA.

  3. SMP Negeri 1 Manado

    2012 — 2014

    Enrolled into Acceleration program. Graduated at the age of 12.

  4. SD Negeri 11 Manado

    2007 — 2012

    Enrolled into Acceleration program. Graduated at the age of 10.


  1. Full Stack Developer - Freelance

    2019 — Present

    Full stack freelance developer. Responsible to make both front-end and back-end of information system based on client requirement. From simple Static Corporate website, Catalogue website to complex employee management system.

  2. Back-end Developer - DCoding Software House

    2019 — Present

    As a back-end developer my Responsibility to optimize code usage with front-end component as best as possible to ensure the best user experience.

  3. Lead Developer - Indonesia Ministry of Communication and Information Technology

    JAN 2020 — FEB 2020

    During my intern experience i get the chance to lead a team to develop a web-based archive information system.



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